

The bibliography was compiled using CITAVI / BibTeX and is thus compatible with a large number of reference management programs. You can search for keywords and year of publication as well as authors and subject areas.

At the top level, the bibliography is divided into the following fields of expertise, focusing especially on chapter 3:

  1. Sprachwissenschaft/Linguistics/语言学
  2. Kulturwissenschaft/Cultural Studies/文化学
  3. Fremdsprachendidaktik und Sprachlehrforschung/Foreign Language Teaching and Language Teaching Research/外语教学法及语言教学研究
  4. Lehrwerke für Chinesisch/Teaching Materials for Chinese/汉语教材
  5. Übersetzen und Dolmetschen/Translation and Interpreting/笔译及口译
  6. Andere Bibliographien, Zeitschriftenregister und ChaFBib-Autorenregister / Other bibliographies and ChafBib Index of periodicals and authors / 其他参考书目、期刊和作者索引

In the register of authors you can find an overview of all registered authors in alphabetical order with links to their working fields.

There is also a list of all scientific papers (see 6) that are mentioned in this bibliography.

You may also download the most recent version of ChafBib or parts of it in pdf format.

Some publications are listed in two or more categories.

Publication languages envisaged are mainly German, English and Chinese. The focus of ChafBib is a European context. So far, only a very few publications in French, Russian or other languages have been included.

Feedback is most welcome!

The ChaFBib-Team