1.2.1 Chinese Phonetics and Phonology

1.2.1 Chinese Phonetics and Phonology Introductions to Chinese Phonetics and Phonology

  • Cheng, Chin-chuan ( 1973 ): A synchronic phonology of Mandarin Chinese . Monographs on linguistic analysis ; 4. The Hague.
  • Cheng, Robert Liang-wei ( 1966 ): Mandarin Phonological Structure . In: Journal of Linguistics, Jg. 2, H. 2, S. 135–158.
  • Cremerius, Ruth (2012): Aussprache und Schrift des Chinesischen. Eine Einführung. Hamburg: Buske.
  • Duanmu, San ( 2002 ): The phonology of standard Chinese . Oxford: Oxford University Press (Oxford linguistics). ISBN:0-19-829987-7.
  • Guo, Jinfu 郭锦桴 ( 1993 ): 汉语声调语调阐要与探索 hanyu shengdiao yudiao chanyao yu tansuo . Beijing: yuyan xueyuan chubanshi. 北京: 北京语言学院出版社.
  • Li, Wen-Chao ( 1999 ): A diachronically-motivated segmental phonology of Mandarin Chinese
  • Lin, Hua ( 2001 ): A grammar of Mandarin Chinese . New York, NY u.a: Lang (Berkeley insights in linguistics and semiotics, 37). ISBN:0-8204-4293-3.
  • Norman, Jerry ( 1988 ): Chinese . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge language surveys).0-521-29653-6.
  • Rao Bingcai 饶秉才 ( 1989 ): Shilun yuyinxue yu  duiwai Hanyu jiaoxue 试论语音学与对外汉语教学 .In: Shijie hanyu jiaoxue 世界汉语教学, H. 2.
  • Sun, Chaofen ( 2006 ): Chinese .A linguistic introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0-521-53082-2. http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0617/2006299710-d.html.
  • Yeh, Victor C. ( 1986 ): Phonetic Chinese language . A tone-based language. In: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Jg. 21, H. 2, S. 75–78.
  • Zhao Jinming 赵金铭 ( 1997 ): yuyin yanjiu yu  duiwai hanyu jiaoxue 语音研究与对外汉语教学 . Beijing 北京: Beijing yuyan wenhua daxue chubanshe 北京语言文化大学出版社. Tonality in Chinese

  • Bao, Zhiming ( 1999 ): The structure of tone .New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN:0-19-511880-4.
  • Chen, Chung-yu ( 1984 ): Neutral Tone in Mandarin: phonotactic description and the issue of the norm . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 299–333.
  • Chen, Matthew Y. ( 2000 ): Tone Sandhi . Patterns across Chinese dialects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge studies in linguistics, 92).
  • Cheng, Chin-chuan ( 1973 ): A quantitative study of Chinese Tones . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 1, H. 1, S. 93ff.
  • Ching, Nora ( 1971 ): A minor problem in toneSandhi .In: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Jg. 6, S. 41–57.
  • Duanmu, San ( Autumn, 1994 ): Against Contour Tone Units . In: Linguistic Inquiry, Jg. 25, H. 4, S. 555–608. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178879.
  • Fox, Robert Allen; Qi, Ying-yong ( 1990 ): Context effects in the perception of lexical tone . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 18, H. 2, S. 261–284.
  • Fox, Robert A.; Unkefer, James ( 1985 ): The effect of lexical status on the perception of tone . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 13, H. 1, S. 69–90.
  • Gandour, Jack ( 1984 ): Tone dissimilarity judgments by Chinese listeners . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 12, H. 2, S. 235–261.
  • Ho, Aichen Ting ( 1976 ): Mandarin tones in relation to sentence intonation and grammatical structure . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 4, H. 1, S. 1–13.
  • Howie, John Marshall ( 1976 ): Acoustical studies of Mandarin vowels and tones . Cambridge (Princeton-Cambridge studies in Chinese linguistics, 6).
  • Hung, Tony T. N. ( 1990 ): Syntax-phonology interaction in Chinese toneSandhi .An overview. In: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Jg. 25, H. 3, S. 43–60.
  • Lee, Wai-Sum; Zee, Eric ( 2008 ): Prosodic Characteristics of the Neutral Tone in Beijing Mandarin . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 1–29.
  • Liang, Jie; Heuven, Vincent T. van ( 2007 ): Chinese tone and intonation perceived by L1 and L2 listeners . In: Gussenhoven, Carlos; Riad, Tomas (Hg.): Experimental Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody. Berlin u.a (Phonology and Phonetics, 12.2, Volume 2), S. 27–62.
  • Massaro, Dominic W.; Cohen, Michael M.; Tseng, Chiu-yu ( 1985 ): The evaluation and integration of pitch height and pitch contour in lexical tone perception in Mandarin Chinese . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 13, H. 2, S. 267–290.
  • Pian, Rulan Chao ( 2000 ): Tone and Tone: Appling Musical Elements to Chinese Words .  In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 28, H. 2, S. 181–200.
  • Tao, Liang; Guo, Lijuan (2008): Learning Chinese Tones: A Developmental Account. In: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Jg. 43, H. 2, S. 17–46.http://naccl.osu.edu/sites/naccl.osu.edu/files/02_guo_tao.pdf
  • Trísková, Hana ( 2001 ): Tone, stress and rhythm in spoken Chinese . International Workshop on Tone, Stress and Rhythm in Spoken Chinese ;(Prague) : 1999.05. Berkeley (Journal of Chinese linguistics : Monograph series, 17).
  • Wan, I-Ping; Jaeger, Jeri ( 1998 ): Speech Errors and the Representation of Tone in Mandarin Chinese .  In: Phonology, Jg. 15, H. 3, S. 417–461.
  • Wee, L. H. ( 2007 ): Unraveling the Relation between Mandarin Tones and Musical Melody . In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 35, H. 1, S. 128–144.
  • Yip, Moira ( 1990 ): The tonal phonology of Chinese . New York, London: Garland (Outstanding dissertations in linguistics).ISBN:0815301545.
  • Yip, Moira ( 2002 ): Tone .1. publ. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge textbooks in linguistics). ISBN:0-521-77445-4.
  • Zeng, Jiuyu ( ): An acoustic phonetic study on tones in Mandarin Chinese . Dissertation. Brown University. Intonation, Prosody

  • Duanmu, San ( 2004 ): A Corpus Study of Chinese Regulated Verse: Phrasal Stress and the Analysis of Variability .In: Phonology, Jg. 21, H. 1, S. 43–89.
  • Feng, Shengli ( 2002 ): Prosodic syntax and morphology in Chinese . Muenchen: LINCOM EUROPA (LINCOM studies in Asian linguistics, 44). ISBN: 3-89586-369-6.
  • Gussenhoven, Carlos; Riad, Tomas ( 2007 ): Experimental Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody .Berlin u.a (Phonology and Phonetics, 12.2, Volume 2). ISBN: 3110190583.
  • Ho, Aichen Ting ( 1976 ): Mandarin tones in relation to sentence intonation and grammatical structure .In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 4, H. 1, S. 1–13.
  • Hung, Feng-sheng ( 1996 ): Prosody and the acquisition of grammatical morphemes in Chinese languages. Bloomington Ind.: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
  • Lee, Wai-Sum; Zee, Eric ( 2008 ): Prosodic Characteristics of the Neutral Tone in Beijing Mandarin.  In: Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Jg. 36, H. 1, S. 1–29.
  • Liang, Jie; Heuven, Vincent T. van ( 2007 ): Chinese tone and intonation perceived by L1 and L2 listeners.In: Gussenhoven, Carlos; Riad, Tomas (Hg.): Experimental Studies in Word and Sentence Prosody. Berlin u.a (Phonology and Phonetics, 12.2, Volume 2), S. 27–62.
  • Liu, Zhaojing 刘兆静; Gao, Liqun 高立群 ( 2010 ): Zhong-wai xueshengliyong Hanyu yunlü xinxixiaojiejufajiegouqiyi de shiyanyanjiu 中外学生利用汉语韵律信息消解句法结构歧义的实验研究. In: Cui Xiliang u.a. 崔希亮 等 (Hg.): Ou-Mei xuesheng Hanyu xuexi he renzhiyanjiu 欧美学生汉语学习和认知研究. Beijing 北京: Beijing daxuechubanshe 北京大学出版社, S. 174–180.
  • Lu, Bingfu; Duanmu, San ( 2002 ): Rhythm and Syntax in Chinese.  A Case Study. In: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Jg. 37, H. 2, S. 123–135.
  • Shen, Xiaonan Susan ( 1988 ): Identifying topic in Chinese through prosodic features. In: Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Jg. 23, H. 2, S. 17–32.
  • Shen, Xiao-nan Susan ( 1989 ): Interplay of the four citation Tones and Intonation in Mandarin Chinese
  • Shen, Xiao-nan Susan ( 1990 ): The prosody of Mandarin Chinese.  Berkeley: University of California Press (University of California publications in linguistics, 118). ISBN: 0520097505.
  • Trísková, Hana ( 2001 ): Tone, stress and rhythm in spoken Chinese. International Workshop on Tone, Stress and Rhythm in Spoken Chinese ;(Prague) : 1999.05. Berkeley (Journal of Chinese linguistics : Monograph series, 17).
  • Tseng, Chin Chin: Prosodic Properties of Intonation in Two Major Varieties of Mandarin Chinese: Mainland China vs. Taiwan. In: International ymposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, TAL 2004, S. 189–192.http://www.isca-speech.org/archive_open/tal2004/tal4_189.pdf Individual Aspects of Chinese Phonetics and Phonology

  • Bruckmann, Gabriele ( 1980 ): Untersuchung über phonetisch hervortretende Wörter im Chinesischen . Dissertation. Zürich. Universität Zürich.
  • Chen, Matthew Y. ( 1984 ): Abstract Symmetry in Chinese Verse . In: Linguistic Inquiry, Jg. 15, H. 1, S. 167–170.
  • Chen Juanwen 陈娟文; Li Aijun 李爱军; Wang Xia 王霞 ( 2003 ): Shanghai putonghua he putonghua ci zhongyin de chayi 上海普通话和普通话词重音的差异 [Unterschiede in der Wortbetonung von Shanghai putonghua und putonghua]   In: Report of Phonetic Research, S. 85–90.
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  • Howie, John Marshall ( 1976 ): Acoustical studies of Mandarin vowels and tones . Cambridge (Princeton-Cambridge studies in Chinese linguistics, 6).
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  • Richter, Gunnar ( 1996 ): Zur Definition der Syllabizitätsvarianten im modernen Chinesisch . In: CHUN – Chinesischunterricht, Jg. 12.
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  • Trísková, Hana ( 2001 ): Tone, stress and rhythm in spoken Chinese . International Workshop on Tone, Stress and Rhythm in Spoken Chinese ; (Prague) : 1999.05. Berkeley (Journal of Chinese linguistics : Monograph series, 17).
  • Wang, Jialing ( 1997 ): Studies in Chinese phonology .Berlin: Mouton (Linguistic models, 20). ISBN:3-11-013953-7.
  • Xie, Yan (2013): Meiguo xuesheng Hanyu jichu yuanyin de xide: danziyin yu liangzizu de duibi ji shengdiao zhi zuoyong美国学生汉语基础元音的习得:单字音与两字组的对比及声调之作用. In: Journal of Chinese Lanugage Teachers Association 48 (1), S. 91–108.
  • Xu, Baode ( 2001 ): Chinese phonology in generative grammar .San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press. 0-12-767670-8.
  • Yip, Moira ( Winter, 1988 ): The Obligatory Contour Principle and Phonological Rules: A Loss of Identity . In: Linguistic Inquiry, Jg. 19, H. 1, S. 65–100. http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178575.
  • Zhang, Weijia张维佳 (2008): Beijing yuyan daxue hanyu yuyanxue wencui – yuyin he wenzi北京语言大学汉语言文字学论丛:语音和文字卷. Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Artikel zur chinesischen Linguistik der BLCU: Phonetik und Schriftzeichen: Beijing Language and Culture University Press.